La mia foto
"I talk" a little about me ... I started as an artistic and performance mail group around 1987 "Gruppo Vortex" and "Vortice mail art". In 1988 we participate in Perfomedia "Time 88" in Pontenossa (Bergamo-Italy). From there I continue my path with another (the last) performance dedicated to Silvia Baraldini, always in Pontenossa with other traveling companions, whereupon the group stops and i walk alone on the road of mail art. After many years of break, I started again in / constant to participate in the M.A., finding old friends with supreme pleasure.

lunedì 3 giugno 2019

"THE DEADLINE HAS PASSED" Mail Art Project: Pornography

Vortice Mail Art Italia e Maldoror Press presentano:

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Catalogo in PDF [uscirà come ebook targato Maldoror Press]
N.B.: i materiali saranno l'oggetto di una MOSTRA itinerante che si svolgerà in luoghi “ameni” e non collegati al milieu commerciale artistico.

Data l'assenza di filtri di selezione riguardo il contenuto dei lavori, ogni partecipante si assumerà la responsabilità del proprio lavoro.

No politically correct. No parental advisory. No censorship.

 Vortice Mail Art Italia and Maldoror Press present:

Mail Art Call/Mail Art Project


Texts and images must be UNPUBLISHED PDF catalog [released as Maldoror Press ebook]

NB: the materials will be the subject of a traveling EXHIBITION that will take place in "pleasant" places and not connected to the artistic commercial milieu.

Given the absence of selection filters regarding the content of the work, each participant will take responsibility for his own work.

No politically correct. No parental advisory. No censorship.

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